● Intended for any person of legal age interested in Archaeology, with or without experience.
● Duration: 20 days, 150 teaching hours.
● Limited number of places available: 12.
● Contact: Carlos Sanz and Elvira Rodríguez (+34 983 881 240; cevfw@uva.es).
The Course will take place within the XXXIV Excavation Campaign in the Pintia Archaeological Zone and has, as a logistical support, the facilities of the Federico Wattenberg Center for Vaccean Studies of the University of Valladolid in Padilla de Duero. The intensive program is 150 teaching hours long based field work, through the exhumation of the rich archaeological heritage that this site contains, workshops and seminars and conferences on different methodological and cultural aspects.
Dates: from the 8th of July to the 28th of July 2024.
Programmed activities ●
Monday, 8th of July, 17:00-21:00 p.m.: Reception and accommodation at the Federico Wattenberg Center for Vaccean Studies research facilities. Students must travel by their own means to Padilla de Duero (Valladolid). However, we can help you to find public transportation schedules; if you need help, please contact us.
Excavation and lab-workshop schedule
○ Morning: 7:00 a.m. to 13:00 p.m. Field work in the city of
Las Quintanas and the siege of Pintia:
● excavation of the different stratigraphic levels of a Vaccean domestic habitat (4th to 1st centuries BC), to understand the daily life of these pre-Roman people and to establish the existence of various categories of occupancy;
● excavation of the siege of the city of Pintia established by the Romans;
● registration systems: preparation of the excavation diary, topography/planimetry and photography; records and initial treatment of the findings;
● in situ consolidation: preservation systems for the various archaeological materials during the excavation process.
○ Afternoon: 17:30 to 20:00 p.m. Laboratory work in the CEVFW facilities, from the workshop to the warehouse: collection of samples for waste analysis; consolidation, washing, gluing and reconstruction; manual coding, inventory, photography and drawing of the pieces; different material storage systems, packaging and location; seminars and conferences.
During these programmed hours fieldwork and/or lab-workshops will be offered alternatively. These schedules may vary due to weather conditions or other specific needs of the different services and programs at CEVFW.
Other activities
○ Tuesday, 9th of July: guided visit to the surroundings of Pintia and the different areas of the Archaeological Zone; these visits will allow students to understand the territorial influence of the Vaccean city.

Breaks-leisure days
○ Monday, the 15th of July and the 22th of July.
Seminars. In order to obtain a first approach to Vaccean Archaeology and to some of the cataloging procedures and its necessary studies, the following seminars and conferences have been planned:
○ «The Vacceans», by Prof. Carlos Sanz.
○ «Recording systems and Vaccean cultural material», by José Carlos Coria and Elvira Rodríguez.
○ «Archaelogical drawing», by Ruth Fraile.
○ Vaccean excised pottery workshop, by Elvira Rodríguez.
○ On Saturdays 6th, 13th and 20th of July will be developed the series of conferences «Archaeology and municipality. Municipalities involved with their archaeological heritage», with two speakers per day (to be determined).
Monday, the 29th of July: departure of students throughout the day.
Lodging. Accommodation will be offered at the CEVFW facilities, located some 500 meters away from the Pintia Archaeological Zone. The Center has twelve bunk beds in a collective dormitory, each with a private space. Hosting is full board and includes home-made breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch and dinner. In addition, cleaning service, bed linen, washing machine and detergent are included.
Application, selection and registration. All interested students must complete the corresponding application form and send a motivation letter, together with their curriculum vitae, addressed to the attention of the CEVFW Director at the following email address: cevfw@uva.es. Within a maximum period of one week they will receive the answer estimating or rejecting their admission. Afterwards, all foreign students will have a short videoconference with our International Coordinator to check the degree of proficiency in Spanish. Subsequently, all admitted students must settle their reservation, by transferring the corresponding registration fee to bank account, which will be communicated in due course.
Registration period. Until the 15th of June, inclusive, or until all available places are filled.

Program fees
○ Students from European universities: € 495.
○ Students from other universities or other interested persons: € 765.
○ Fees do not include airfare.
Other data of interest
○ Spanish translation service is not included, so students must have a minimum level of proficiency in this language. To this end, once their enrollment is accepted and before paying the reservation fee, a short videoconference will be held with the student to check the level of proficiency in Spanish.
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